We often get asked the questions in clinic; “Can I have another set of orthotics?” or “Can we remake these same orthotics?”….the answer is YES!

It is quite often the case that the specifications of the original orthotic remain the same but the orthotic itself is worn out or has compressed. In these instances we do not need to rescan the feet but can simply order a REPRESS of your previous orthotic.

All of our 3D digital scans are kept on record, sometimes you don’t even need to come into the clinic to arrange a REPRESS. If you think you may be interested in a REPRESS or would like a second set of court style orthotics to wear in your dress shoes then we would be happy to help you out. Please keep in mind that if it has been over a year since we have seen you, it would be preferable to check in with one of our talented pods to make sure a REPRESS is a suitable option.

The other thing to keep in mind is that most of the health funds will offer a rebate for 1 set of orthotics per calendar year & it is a matter of “Use it or Lose it”. The REPRESS is done at a discounted rate so often it is quite economically viable to utilise available credit on your health fund.

In Summary, A REPRESS orthotic can be a great option if you are looking to update, replace, get a second set, are sick of swapping over or would like a more flexible set for dress shoes or sports shoes etc. Get in touch with us here at the clinic and we would be more than happy to assist you!